About Me

 Welcome to Smalltown Bookworm! 

I'm Jenn, a long-time bookworm with a love for cozy books, all things bookish, inspiring quotes and creative writing. I'm based in rural Ohio. Smalltown Bookworm will share all things bookish - from book reviews, to book shop tours, to Free Little Library runs, to literary travel guides, to my work at a public library and beyond.

I've been reviewing books with Goodreads since 2012. I enjoy sharing my personal insight, especially when I'm excited about recommending the book to everyone I can. In 2021 I committed myself to the PopSugar Reading Challenge, which I failed at, however I did read a whopping 33 books! Which was 30 something more than the year before. I have been so happy to rekindle that hobby that I applied for a position at our local public library and GOT THE JOB! It's still new, so I will be sharing what I learn as things move along.

In addition to reading, I also enjoy writing. If you're curious about some of my works in progress, once upon a time I wrote on Wattpad. Now mind you, these are unfinished stories that I'd like to revisit someday, but alas they are just that. Unfinished. Enjoy!

Now, let's get back to our stories, shall we? One page at a time!

~Jenn the Smalltown Bookworm

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