Blog Hops & Link Ups


What Are You Reading Monday? Hosted by Book Date on Mondays. A place to share what you have been and will be reading this week.

What Are You Reading Monday hosted by Author Taylor Fenner. Share what you're currently reading.

Mailbox Monday posted weekly on Monday. A place to share bookish mail that has come in over the last week. 

Music Monday hosted weekly by The Tattooed Book Geek. Share what you're currently listening to.

Goodreads Monday hosted by Budget Tales Book Blog. A place to share what is on your to be read list, the progress you've made on your current reads and any other Goodreads news.

Aww Mondays hosted by Comedy Plus. Share something that makes you go aw.


Top 5 Tuesday hosted by Meeghan Reads. Weekly top 5 prompt.

Teaser Tuesday hosted by The Purple Booker. Share what you're currently reading with a short teaser from the book.

Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. A new topic is shared each Tuesday, respond to the prompt and share your post.


Can't Wait Wednesday - hosted by Wishful Endings on Wednesdays. Weekly meme to spotlight and discuss books you're excited to read. Tag @WishfulEndings on Twitter for a retweet!

WWW Wednesday hosted by Sam A Stevens. Answer the 3 question prompt.

Shelf Control hosted by Bookshelf Fantasies. Weekly celebration of the unread books on our shelves. Pick a book you have but haven't read yet, write a post about it and link up.

Library Loot hosted by The Captive Reader. Weekly space to share what you've checked out from the library this week. 

Wondrous Words Wednesday hosted by Elza Reads. A place to share new words you've encountered while reading or to spotlight words you loved. 

Books You Loved hosted by Carole's Chatter. Share a book you loved.

A Little Bit Of Everything hosted by For The Love To. Share and connect with other bloggers. If you leave a link, comment on at least two posts.


Thrifty Thursday hosted by Books Of My Heart. Read a book that you got free (ethically!) and share.

Books From The Backlog hosted by Carole's Random Life. A fun way to feature the neglected books on your book shelf. The ones that have been on your TBR collecting dust!


Weekly Book Blogger Hop hosted by Coffee Addicted Writer on Fridays which ends on Thursdays. Each week there is a prompt to answer. Tag on Twitter & Instagram @CoffeeRamblings #BookBloggerHop

The Friday 56 hosted by Freda's Voice on Fridays. Grab a book, any book, and turn to page 56 or go to 56% on your ereader. Share a snippet, short and sweet. Share on Instagram with #Instagram56 #Friday56

Book Beginnings hosted by Rose City Reader. Share the opening sentence from the book you're currently reading. 

First Line Friday hosted by Reading Is My Superpower. Grab your current read and share it's opening lines.


Stacking The Shelves Saturday hosted by Reading Reality. Share the books you're adding to your shelves, digital or physical.


Sunday Post hosted by Books Of My Heart. A place to share news and recap of your last week in books.

Six For Sunday hosted by A Little But A Lot. Share 6 books that fit the prompt.


Spell the Month In Books hosted by Reviews From The Stacks on the second Saturday of the month. Spell the current month with the first letter of book titles. Occasionally there are themes such as colors.

Six Degrees of Separation hosted by Books Are My Favorite And Best. First Saturday of the month one book is posted for others to create a chain.

Monthly Wrap Up hosted by Feed Your Fiction Addiction. Share your monthly wrap up of books.

Best Of The Bunch hosted by A Cocoon Of Books. At the end of the month, share your best read of the month.

Support Book Bloggers Challenge hosted by Pages Unbound. A challenge to support and promote other book bloggers by sharing their posts and engaging in their content. Monthly prompts.

Quick Lit hosted by Never Enough Novels on the 15th of the month. A place to share short and sweet reviews of what you're currently reading.


The Backlist Reader Challenge hosted by the Bookwyrm's Hoard. Share reviews of books that have been on your TBR list for awhile. 

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