Rating & Review System

Rating System

1⭐ - I really hated it and instead of just DNF and moving on, I want to warn everyone. Super rare.
2⭐ - Boring and most likely problematic, but not enough to tell peeps not to read it. Rare.
3⭐ - Just okay. I liked it but not a whole lot.
4⭐ - I liked it, possibly liked it a lot, but it's missing something. Would recommend it to others.
5⭐ - Absolutely loved it. Will recommend it at every opportunity. Would buy a collector's edition of the book!

Review Policy

I accept books in exchange for my honest and fair review. These books can be ARC (Advanced Reader's Copy) or previously published books, preferably in physical or Kindle format. I am only interested in standalone books, not those part of a series unless it is the first book. 

I read mostly young adult, new adult, contemporary, fantasy, historical fiction, and mystery. I am however open to other genres. I reserve the right to refuse a review if the book is problematic or a DNF. Honesty is important when posting reviews, so I would rather not post a less than 3-star review.

My reviews are 100% my own honest opinions.

In addition to posting my reviews here on Smalltown Bookworm, I also post on Goodreads, Twitter, Instagram, and Amazon.

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