July 8, 2022

An Elderly Lady Is Up To No Good - Review

An Elderly Lady Is Up to No Good (Äldre dam, #1)An Elderly Lady Is Up to No Good by Helene Tursten
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A cute and quick little read. A bit more like vignettes of an elderly woman’s life than a typical novel. A few little chuckles with what Maud was able to get away with. She seemed a very believable character. Makes you second guess the elderly ladies you come across in real life. It was an entertaining read but a bit simplistic and there were a few little inconsistencies I caught. Just tiny details that didn’t make much of a difference at all, just a slight annoyance. Regardless, I would like to read more about Maud. Or possibly see her stories in sketches on screen.

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