July 29, 2022

The Sacrifice by Rin Chupeco

The SacrificeThe Sacrifice by Rin Chupeco
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A deadly island oasis haunted by a non binary teen and something else that lingers just beyond the shadows. A paranormal film crew comes in to make a documentary about the hauntings and HUMAN SACRIFICES that have happened on the island. While filming, some spooky things go down.  

There's a little bit of romance. Ah, young love. It was sweet and important to the story, but this is not a romance book. The main character speaks Tagalog occasionally, so that was cool to see another language. Also I've never read a book set in the Philippines. I absolutely enjoyed an #OwnVoices book. The pacing and plot were very good, there were a few moments where I literally raised my eyebrows in surprise. (That's a good thing!)

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

I was drawn to The Sacrifice for the stunning cover. Then I noticed it was by an author on my TBR (Bone Witch) so I decided to give it a try. I really enjoyed it!

If you're into a little horror, YA, or LGTBQIA stories, give The Sacrifice a go. I read this digitally with NetGalley, but the cover is so beautiful, I might just have to pick up a copy in print too.

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