August 16, 2022

A Day In The Life At The Library

 I spend my days working at a public library. Landed my "dream job" in June of this year. It's not all just reading books, but there are days when I actually can get a few chapters in. Some days I'm helping patrons work the computer, some days I lead preschool story time, other days I sort cargo (our library is part of a consortium, sharing resources).

Today was a busy and rewarding day. 

Our county's non-profit organizations come together to host a back to school bash program. It's an event where families can come in and get help getting back to school. There's free haircuts, snacks, bookbags, school supplies and more. As a library staff person, I helped pass out wifi hotspots (yes our library helps families get internet for free!) and made back-to-school buttons with the Badge-A-Minute. 

It was wonderful to see so many in our community giving back and so many coming to see us at the library table, thanking us for what we do. If this is what it's like to be part of the library, I'm all for it. I love my job! I'm beyond thankful to be here. To help families and to be what young me needed.

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