January 4, 2023

2022 Year End Wrap Up

 In 2022 I set a goal to read 25 books. I figured this would be an attainable goal, that's just about 2 books a month. Knowing that I can devour a good book in one sitting, I hoped I would stumble upon quite a few good books.

Then May hit and I was in ICU and unable to focus on a book for a good while. Still somehow I ended the year at 50 books read! I'll admit I took notice of my progress once I was in the 40s and breezed through a few novellas to get it to such a big (for me!) ending number.

I had quite a few five star reads in 2022. So it was difficult to choose just one book as "favorite book." I also loved Legends & Lattes, Gallant, The First To Die At The End and so many others.

Did you set any reading goals in 2022? How did you do?

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