November 22, 2023

The Holiday Hush

There’s something about the holiday, particularly the day before THE day, that puts a hush over everyone at work. Sure I work at a library, so you’re thinking we hush all the time. We don’t. Times have changed. No, the hush I mean is the same hush as when snow blankets the ground and dampens the sound. 

It’s quiet. Just slightly muted. Hushed.

It’s a happy kind of quiet though. A relaxed quiet. You can almost see the visions dancing in your coworkers’ eyes. The time with loved ones ahead of them. The twinkle of excitement. The longing for the day of respite ahead. It’s there bubbling over and into the stacks. There’s just a little more laughter. A few more smiles. A collective sigh of relief throughout the day. 

That was my day today. And I am oh so thankful.

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