August 10, 2022

Library Haul ~ August

 One perk of working at the library is that I see books coming in and going out that I wouldn't know about otherwise.

One drawback of working at the library is that I see books coming and going out that I promptly add to my TBR.

My TBR (To Be Read) is quite long these days!

This week at the library, I had a few hold requests come in. Much quicker than I anticipated. Our library is part of the Ohio Consortium, so if we don't have a book on the shelf immediately available, we can loan or borrow from a library that does. It's a process that sometimes can take just a few days, or sometimes a few weeks. I planned for weeks. Now I have a physical stack of books with a time limit ;)

Here is my library haul for the week.

First up The Book Eaters by Sunyi Dean released on August 2nd. I am mostly interested in this one because one of my favorite authors (VS Schwab) said they "devoured it." Intriguing! The story follows a line of people who eat books for food, and then retain all of the knowledge held within. A bit fantasy and a bit sci-fi.

Next up is The Pallbearers Club by Paul Tremblay released on July 5th. The 1980s is one of my favorite time periods, so this was quickly added to my TBR without much more knowledge than that. It's a phycological thriller about a club for pallbearers. A little unsettling and morbid to say the least, but I'm curious.

The third book in my library haul is The Wolf and the Woodsman by Ava Reid. I requested this one so that I can read Juniper & Thorn, as it's set in the same world but still a standalone. It's been on the reading list a long while. The Wolf and the Woodsman is inspired by Hungarian history and Jewish mythology. 

And the last thing in my library haul stack is A Goofy Movie. Bryan and I have been enjoying some nostalgia lately and this movie was a highlight of our 90s kid days. To this day, we still sing lyrics from that fantastic soundtrack. Unfortunately, I'd requested a CD soundtrack and was sent the DVD. Such is life. I put in a reorder so we shall see how quickly the CD arrives.

Have you been to the library recently? What did you check out?

This post has been linked up at The Captive Reader's Library Loot Link Party.

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