November 28, 2022

Holiday Library Scavenger Hunt

 December is quickly approaching, so I've been putting together holiday themed displays for our little library branch. Today I created two scavenger hunts. One is visual, so best for kids who can't yet read. The other is prompt based which can encourage reading and cooperation with others. 

Passive programming like this is a great way to help occupy kiddos who need a little something more active. I try to do a new scavenger hunt each month so our families that come for programs will have something new to do each time.

Here's what our display looks like. Just a table with pencils, B&W copies of each hunt and a color sign of each hunt.

I hide the pieces of the scavenger hunt in plain sight but try to blend them in a little bit. Some are a little tricky like this bird.

And some are very easy to see like this snowflake.

If you'd like to print a copy of my Library Holiday Scavenger Hunt, you can download it here on Canva.

Do you use scavenger hunts at your library?

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